Thank you furplag for assisting with this release.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.4.2.
Herobrine v2.5.0
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.20.
Thank you furplag for assisting with this release.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.4.2.
Herobrine v2.4.2
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.19.4.
Thank you furplag for assisting with this release.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.4.1.
Herobrine v2.4.1
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.19.3.
Thank you furplag for assisting with this release.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.4.0.
Herobrine v2.4.0
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.19.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.3.1.
Herobrine v2.3.1
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.18.2.
Bug Fix
Due to the changes to the default build height limits introduced in Minecraft 1.18, graveyard worlds generated using Herobrine v2.3.0 did not generate the graveyard at the proper height. This release corrects that error. Server owners who generated Herobrine's Graveyard using Herobrine v2.3.0 should delete their graveyard world and regenerate it using Herobrine v2.3.1. If you are unsure of if this applies to you, you should delete your graveyard world to ensure that this fix is applied to your server.
Bug Fix
Due to the changes to the default build height limits introduced in Minecraft 1.18, Herobrine's default spawn location of (0, -20, 0) was no longer outside of the world boundary. In this release, Herobrine's default spawn location was changed to (0, -100, 0) to ensure that he is spawned outside of the world boundary.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.2.1 and v2.3.0.
Herobrine v2.3.0
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.18.1.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.2.0.
Herobrine v2.2.1
Change Type
Change Description
PaperSpigot support is back!
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.1.3.
Herobrine v2.2.0
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.17 and Spigot 1.17.1.
General improvements were made to the plugin code.
The command for checking Herobrine's location has been changed from "position" to "location."
New Feature
When a player is teleported back from Herobrine's Graveyard, in addition to being returned to their original coordinates, the player's body and head will be restored to their original position as well.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine v2.1.3.
Herobrine v2.1.3
Change Type
Change Description
Instead of flooding the server log with unhelpful error messages when the plugin version is incompatible with the server version, the plugin will now display a helpful error message and gracefully disable itself to prevent negative impacts to server performance.
Herobrine will no longer run on PaperSpigot servers. If Herobrine detects that the server uses PaperSpigot, it will display an error message and disable itself. This change was made due to PaperSpigot introducing API-breaking changes that resulted in plugin instability. Please do not ask for support for PaperSpigot to be restored. Your request will be ignored.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for Herobrine versions v2.1.0 through v2.1.2.
Herobrine v2.1.2
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.16.4.
General improvements were made to the plugin code.*
Bug Fix
A bug which enabled players to spawn Herobrine-related mobs by repeatedly clicking on their bed during the daytime has been resolved.*
New Feature
Wolves that are spawned by Herobrine when haunting a player will now attack Herobrine's target.*
All changelog entries marked with an asterisk (*) at the end indicate changes made by Cory Redmond. Thank you Cory for your assistance with this release.
Herobrine v2.1.1
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.16.2 and Spigot 1.16.3.
Herobrine v2.1.0
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.16.1.
Bug Fix
A bug which caused server instability and crashes when using Herobrine on Spigot 1.15.2 or newer has been fixed. This bug was originally believed to be fixed in Herobrine v2.0.3, however this was later found to be incorrect.
Bug Fix
A bug which prevented Herobrine from roaming the server properly has been fixed.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for all Herobrine versions in the v2.0.x release series.
Herobrine v2.0.3
Change Type
Change Description
Bug Fix
A bug which caused server performance issues has been patched.This bug was found to still be present in this release.
Bug Fix
A bug which prevented Herobrine from roaming the server when the plugin is used on Spigot 1.15.2 has been fixed.This bug was found to still be present in this release.
Herobrine v2.0.2
Change Type
Change Description
Bug Fix
A bug which prevented Herobrine from interacting with players and instead printing an error message to the server console when WorldGuard is installed has been fixed.
Herobrine v2.0.1
Change Type
Change Description
New Feature
A new configuration option, "SpawnDemonsOnPlayerBedEnter", is now available. This option allows the server administrator to control whether Herobrine's Demons will occasionally spawn near a bed when a player attempts to get in it.
Bug Fix
A bug which prevented players from getting in to a bed even when Herobrine does not interrupt their attempt to do so has been fixed.
Herobrine v2.0.0
Herobrine v2.0.0 is a fresh start to the Herobrine plugin that uses a newer version of the HerobrineAI code upon which the v1.x.x release series was based.
Change Type
Change Description
Herobrine is now compatible with Spigot 1.15.1.
As part of the migration to a more recent HerobrineAI codebase than the one used by the v1.x.x release series, major improvements were made to the Herobrine codebase.
When ShowInTabList is set to false in the configuration file, Herobrine will only appear in tab lists of players with whom he has a line of sight. Previously, Herobrine only appeared in the tab list of his current target. If ShowInTabList is true, the behavior will be the same as before: Herobrine will always appear in each player's list.
The versions of the plugins that Herobrine integrates with have been updated.
If a player gets stuck in Herobrine's Graveyard due to a server shutdown while they are there, the player will now be teleported back to where they were before being sent to the graveyard when they next log in. Previously, they would be teleported to the server's default spawn point.
The UseWalkingMode, WalkingModeFromXRadius, and WalkingModeFromZRadius configuration options, which were removed in Herobrine v1.2.6 due to not being used for anything, have been restored since the updated HerobrineAI codebase uses them.
Herobrine's Totem has been restored and now works properly.
Bug Fix
A help entry for the "pluginreport" command has been added.
Bug Fix
The issue with temple generation always failing to find a good spot to generate when the command is used has been resolved.
Bug Fix
The issue with Herobrine remaining at (0, -20, 0) when not targeting a player even if he was configured to roam the server has been fixed.
Bug Fix
Occasionally, previous versions of the plugin would print an error message in the server console when the server was shutting down. As of this release, the issue has been solved.
Herobrine v2.0.0 is not compatible with configuration files generated by any version of Herobrine in the v1.x.x release series. Server administrators are recommended to manually back up their old configuration files, generate a new one with Herobrine v2.0.0, and reapply their configuration settings.
As of this release, Internal Bug Reporting has been disabled for all Herobrine versions in the v1.x.x release series.
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